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There are many factors that can cause your hearing aid to need repair, including earwax buildup, humidity, exposure to water, or even normal wear-and-tear. If your hearing aids have endured any of these and you are having a hard time troubleshooting the issue on your own, it’s time to visit an audiologist for a fix or a replacement. Some audiologists offer convenient remote adjustments so that you can fix your hearing aids from the comfort of home. 

Here are four indicators that it may be time to repair your hearing aids:

1. You Hear No Sound At All 

Have your hearing aids seemed to stop working completely? That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to replace them. It may seem obvious, but first check that the device is turned on and the volume is up all the way. If your hearing aids are new, it can take a while to learn how to wear and operate them correctly. If the device and volume are both on but you still don’t hear anything, try replacing the battery and check the tubing that connects the mold to the receiver for earwax or condensation. If you’ve checked all these issues and still aren’t receiving sound, make an appointment with an audiologist for professional assistance. 

2. Sounds Are Muffled, Or Fade In And Out

If you notice muffled and/or waxing and waning sound, first make sure that your batteries are fresh, the volume on your hearing aids is set to maximum, and check the tubing for earwax or condensation. Make sure your ears are free of earwax also, using an ear cleaner, not cotton swabs. If the problem persists, contact your audiologist for an evaluation. If you have a BTE (behind-the-ear) device, the tubing may need to be replaced if it has become damaged or worn over time. 

3. Your Hearing Aids Are Whistling

An excessive amount of feedback or whistling could indicate a problem with the fit of your hearing aids. Carefully take it out and put it back in to see if the sound goes away. Your ears can in fact change in size or shape over time, meaning that your device needs to be refitted.

4. You Notice Physical Defects

Broken components can include a cracked case, worn out tubing, or a shell/faceplate with holes in it. This kind of damage requires immediate attention in order to avoid costly repairs in the future. Your audiologists can easily replace these components, or may recommend you upgrade your device to a newer model that better suits your individual needs. 

For the past 20 years, Francis Audiology has served patients all over Southwestern PA. We proudly offer a wide variety of cutting-edge models, including wireless hearing devices and assisted listening devices. We have mask hooks available that go behind the neck and below the ears, to help prevent your hearing aids from falling out. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all of your hearing health needs. Request an appointment online to be seen by one of our certified audiologists, or call 724-441-8695 today.