Screen_Shot_2024-05-03_at_11.jpegMeet Dr. Jill Benner, a distinguished audiologist whose academic and professional journey is as inspiring as her passion for audiology. A proud alumna of Bloomsburg University, Dr. Benner's academic credentials include a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech and Audiology obtained in 2004, followed by an elevation to a Doctorate in Audiology (Au.D) in 2009.

Before her current role at Francis Audiology, Dr. Benner's career took her through various dimensions of the audiology world. She has honed her skills across a spectrum of roles—from providing care within an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) facility to shaping the future of the profession as an audiology clinical trainer. Dr. Benner has also contributed her expertise to a major hearing aid manufacturer, serving as a vital member of their audiology technical support team.

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But this article isn't just about professional accolades. Please join us in exploring the depth of Dr. Benner's contributions to the audiological landscape and her impact on the lives she touches.

Q: Can you discuss any recent advancements or developments in audiology that have piqued your interest?

A:Auracast is an up-and-coming Bluetooth advancement. This technology will make it easier for people with compatible hearing devices to connect to different devices for streaming. For example, at the airport, you will be able to stream the gate information directly into compatible hearing aids, thanks to Auracast technology.

Q: In your opinion, what are some key qualities that make for a successful audiologist?

A: I believe good communication between the audiologist and patient is key to good hearing healthcare. The audiologist listens to the issues and problems presented by the patient and then uses the information, along with the testing component, to develop a personalized treatment plan. The other key to good hearing healthcare is learning about the latest technology that could significantly impact our patients.

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of your career as an audiologist?

That is an easy one; I really like to help people. When someone walks out of my door hearing better and with a smile or a lighter step, that is a success in my book.

Q: You were an audiology clinical trainer for a time. What role has higher education played in your professional development, and what made you want to share this knowledge with others?

A: I loved teaching colleagues about the technology, sharing fitting tips and tricks, and helping them figure out difficult cases. I love having my colleagues feel comfortable, confident, and successful. If they succeeded, so did their patients, and that is truly the end goal!

Q: How do you approach difficult cases?

A: Detailed case history, complete testing, referrals to ENT and other facilities as needed to ensure complete care and treatment.

Q: The field of audiology Is constantly evolving. How do you stay updated on the latest research and technology?

As I stated before, audiology is constantly changing. I read audiology journals and research articles. I also attend audiology continuing education classes and stay connected with my colleagues to share information.

Q: Without naming names, could you share one of your favorite patient success stories?

I had someone recently who upgraded their technology, and she couldn’t believe how much better she was hearing with her new hearing aids. There is a point when you may not be hearing as well with your hearing aids due to the age of the devices. It is easy to say, I’m hearing well enough, but when you put on new hearing aids with updated technology, and then you realize how much you were still missing!

I am also getting ready to fit someone who has severe hearing loss in one ear and no hearing in the other. He has never worn hearing aids before. It is going to be life-changing and I’m so excited to help in this journey.

Q: Tell us a fun fact about you!

I lived in New Zealand from 2015-2018. Not only is it a beautiful country with amazing hiking and no dangerous animals/bugs, they have a fruit called feijoa that is very tasty! 

Schedule An Appointment With Dr. Benner Today!

Now that you've learned about Dr. Benner and her incredible journey through the audiology world, consider scheduling an appointment with her today. She shows the same decorum and tact that she expressed in these answers to each patient. Whether you're in need of an evaluation or a new hearing aid, she has what it takes to improve your hearing in no time at all.

If you are interested in taking back control of your hearing health or want to know how  hearing aids could help improve your life, contact our team of highly skilled  audiologists at  Francis Audiology or  schedule an appointment directly online today!

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